
International Birding and Research Center of Eilat. More than a billion birds migrate annually through these skies between Africa and Eurasia, and bird-watching enthusiasts increasingly come for the spectacle between late February and mid-May and early September to late November. Spring is by far the larger of the two migrations. This nonprofit birding center seeks to create a safe haven for the species whose natural habitats in and around Eilat have degraded due to pollution, overdevelopment, and other environmental factors. The center offers guided tours of the sanctuary where birds like imperial eagles, desert eagle owls, and long-legged buzzards can be seen in a majestically preserved habitat. Tours must be arranged in advance. Binoculars are provided. Rte. 90, Eilat, Southern District, 88000. 050/767–1290; Free. Sept.–July, Sun.–Thurs. 8:30–5.