1 Best Sight in The Southern Andes and Lake Titicaca, Peru

Molino de Sabandía

There's a colorful story behind the area's first stone molino (mill), 7 km (4 miles) southeast of Arequipa. Built in 1621 in the gorgeous Paucarpata countryside, the mill fell into ruin over the next century. Famous architect Luis Felipe Calle was restoring the Arequipa mansion that now houses the Central Reserve Bank in 1966 when he was asked to work on the mill project. By 1973, the restoration of the volcanic-stone structure was complete, and Calle liked the new version so much that he bought it, got it working again, and opened it for tours. Bring your swimsuit and walking shoes in good weather—there's a pool and trails amid the lovely countryside. Adjoining the site is the traditional village of Yumina, which has numerous Inca agricultural terraces. If you're not driving, flag a taxi for S/25–S/30 or take a colectivo (shared taxi) from Socabaya in Arequipa to about 2 km (1 mile) past Paucarpata.