
Bicycle Coalition of Maine. For state bike trail maps, club and tour listings, or hints on safety, contact the Bicycle Coalition of Maine. 38 Diamond St., Arts District, Portland, Maine, 04101. 207/623–4511;

Cycle Mania. Rent hybrid bikes downtown at Cycle Mania. The $30 per day rate includes a helmet and lock. 65 Cove St., East End, Portland, Maine, 04101. 207/774–2933;

Gorham Bike and Ski. You can rent several types of bikes, including hybrid and electric models, starting at $35 per day. 693 Congress St., Arts District, Portland, Maine, 04102. 207/773–1700;

Portland Trails. For local biking and hiking information, contact Portland Trails. The staff can tell you about designated paved and unpaved routes that wind along the water, through parks, and beyond. 305 Commercial St., The Old Port and the Waterfront, Portland, Maine, 04101. 207/775–2411;