1 Best Sight in Cozumel, Mexico

Punta Sur

This 247-acre national preserve is a habitat for numerous birds and animals, including crocodiles, flamingos, egrets, and herons. At the park's (and Cozumel's) southernmost point stands the Faro de Celarain, a lighthouse that's now a museum of navigation. Climb the 134 steps to the top for the best view of the island. Spot birds from observation towers near Laguna Colombia or Laguna Chunchacab, or visit the ancient Mayan lighthouse El Caracol, which was designed to whistle when the wind blows in a certain direction. Beaches here are wide and deserted, and there's great snorkeling offshore; snorkeling equipment is available for rent, as are kayaks. Leave your car at the Faro and take a park shuttle or rental bike to either of the two beach bars. Admission price includes a pontoon-boat ride in the crocodile-infested lagoon. If you're coming by taxi, expect to pay about MX$400 for a round-trip ride from San Miguel.