Top Reasons to Go to Roatán and the Bay Islands

Scuba Diving and Snorkeling: The colorful coral surrounding the Bay Islands has been attracting divers for decades. There's no need to take a boat out to see the spectacular underwater world—in many places the reef begins only a few yards from shore. Farther out you'll find shipwrecks waiting to be explored. There are plenty of packages for novices and seasoned divers alike.

Pristine Beaches: A rainbow of deep blue, turquoise, and translucent waters lap against the wide white beaches that ring the islands and cays. At night, the ocean glitters with the bright light of phosphorescence.

Vibrant Nightlife: Beachfront pubs, laid-back cigar shops, upscale lounges and open-air bars with live music define the nightlife in Roatán's West End and Utila Town. Everything's within walking distance, and an evening spent here makes for a lively yet safe place to socialize with islanders, expats, and fellow travelers alike. The party starts on Thursday and carries on all weekend long.

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Top Reasons to Go to Roatán and the Bay Islands

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