By Train

If you are looking for a quintessential Russian experience, take the train. However, be prepared for a very long trip. The train from Moscow takes about 25 to 30 hours, and may be longer. Trains leave from Moscow's Kursky and Kazansky train stations several times a day and cost from 2600R to 25,300R. Trains stop at all of Sochi's districts, with Adler being the final stop. The local train stations have all been renovated to include modern facilities, free Wi-Fi and English-language tableaus and announcements. The Adler Train Station, still under construction, will be the biggest train station in the region once it's completed.

There are three classes of train accommodation: the cheapest is platskart, doorless compartments with two berths on the bottom and two at the top, plus side births on the bottom and top along the hallway; the second class is kupé, closed-door four-person compartments with berths at the top and bottom; and first class lyuks are two-person compartments with doors. Deluxe lyuks are two- and one-person compartments that may include a shower, a sink, and a TV with a DVD player. Cost of train ride depends on the destination. The platskart class trip of about 30 hours costs about 3,000R, while a deluxe lyuk trip of the same length could cost about 25000R.

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