1 Best Sight in The Bay of Naples, Italy


From the small modern-day port of Baia you can board Cymba, a boat with glass panels on its lower deck and view part of the città sommersa, the underwater city of ancient Baia. The guided tour—usually in Italian, but given in English if arranged well in advance—lasts about 75 minutes and is best undertaken in calm conditions, when you can get good glimpses of Roman columns, roads, villa walls, and mosaics. Peer through fish-flecked plexiglass at statues of Octavia Claudia (Claudius's sister) and of Ulysses, his outstretched arms and mollusk-eaten head once a part of the nymphaeum since sunk into the deeps after an outbreak of bradyseism. (Note that these statues are actually replicas. The originals are up the hill in the Castle museum.)