1 Best Sight in Zagreb and Environs, Croatia

Maksimir Park

For a peaceful stroll in Zagreb's biggest (and southeastern Europe's oldest) public park, hop on a tram and head to Maksimir. A short ride east of the center of Zagreb (10 minutes on Tram 11 or 12 from Trg Bana Jelačića or 15 minutes on Tram 4 or 7 from the train station), this 44½-acre expanse of vine-covered forests and artificial lakes was a groundbreaker when it opened back in 1794. After getting off the tram, you walk forward a bit and enter on the left, through a gate opposite the city's main soccer stadium, aptly named Stadion Maksimir. A long wide promenade flanked by benches leads to Bellevue Pavilion (1843), perched atop a small hill and featuring a café. Do check out the Echo Pavilion (Paviljon jeka), built in the late 19th century in honor of the Greek nymph Echo. Stand in the middle and you can hear the whispers of anyone standing within the pavilion, as if they were right next to you. To your right along the way are some small lakes and, beyond, the city's modest zoo, Zoološki vrt Grada Zagreb, where admission is €4. To your left is a playground. One restaurant is located in the zoo, and two others are in the park outside it.