2 Best Sights in Wellington and the Wairarapa, New Zealand

Archives New Zealand


History buffs should make a beeline here, as the national archives are a gold mine of documents, photographs, and maps. Records of New Zealand ancestry from as far back as the early 1800s trace the country's development, making this a great place for New Zealanders to research their family history.

New Zealand Parliament

The buildings that make up the Parliament complex include Parliament House with its Debating Chamber, a copy of the one in the British House of Commons right down to the Speakers Mace. Here legislation is presented, debated, and voted on. There is fine Māori artwork in the Māori Affairs Select Committee Room. The adjoining building is the Parliamentary Library. The neighboring Executive Wing is known for architectural reasons as The Beehive; it's where the prime minister and cabinet ministers of the elected government have their offices and hold cabinet meetings. Across the road at the corner of Whitmore Street and Lambton Quay, the Old Government Buildings, the largest wooden structure in New Zealand, is now home to Victoria University’s law faculty. Tours start in The Beehive, and a guide explains the parliamentary process in detail.