2 Best Sights in Phuket and the Andaman Coast, Thailand

Wat Chalong

Notable for its steeple-shaped roof, Wat Chalong is the largest and most famous of Phuket's Buddhist temples. Inside are the gilt statues of two revered monks who helped quell an 1876 Chinese rebellion. They're wrapped in brilliant saffron robes. It's generally open during daylight hours, and you can show up at 5 pm to see the resident monks pray. It's also home to the annual Chalong Temple Fair, held every February.

Wat Tham Sua

Just 3 km (2 miles, or 10 minutes' drive) from Krabi Town is Wat Tham Sua, with its giant Buddha statue and scenic surrounding landscapes. Built in 1976 as a monastery and meditation retreat, Wat Tham Sua is both respected by the local population and popular with tourists. Locals come to participate in Buddhist rituals, while most tourists come to climb the 1,277 steps to panoramic views of the cliffs, Krabi Town, Krabi River, and the Panom Benja mountain range. There's also a cave with many chambers, which can be fun to explore, though it's not terribly attractive. A really large tree grows outside the entrance. The wat is between Krabi Town and the airport.