1 Best Sight in Ban Muang Ngoi, Laos

Ban Muang Ngoi

The village, populated by Lao Lum and surrounded by unusual limestone peaks, has become a popular traveler hangout, with friendly locals, gorgeous scenery, and plenty of treks and river-touring options. All-day electricity has only recently arrived in Muang Ngoi, but Wi-Fi is now available and several fancy restaurants line its one street. With these upgrades the village looks poised to roll into the future, but accommodations remain pretty basic and may lack amenities travelers desire.

There is no ATM here, so make sure to bring all the cash you need.

As of 2018, Lao Youth Travel is the only tour operator based in Muang Ngoi. They can organize hiking trips to nearby villages (210,000 kip per day/two persons) and kayaking expeditions (150,000 kip per person). Their office is near the boat landing

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