
Traveling by road between Arequipa and Puno takes about six hours. Service is also good between Puno and Cusco and so is the road between Puno and Copacabana in Bolivia. Cruz del Sur (www.cruzdelsur.com.pe), CIVA (www.civa.com.pe), Inka Express (www.inkaexpress.com), and Flores (floreshnos.pe) have offices in Puno and Arequipa, and each runs daily buses between the two cities. For your comfort and safety, take the best service you can afford. There is also the potential for pickpockets on night buses; choosing a reputable company can help avoid this. Several bus companies sell tickets that go direct, so buy one of those, or be prepared for a long slog, during which drivers stop for every passerby. Bus stations in Peru are known for crime, mostly theft of your belongings, so always hold on to your bags.

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