Otavalo Tours and Excursions

Zulay Viajes. Zulay Viajes, owned and operated by indigenous people, offers a variety of trekking and horseback excursions to the area surrounding Otavalo. Sucre 1014, Otavalo, Imbabura. 06/292–1217.

IntiExpress. IntiExpress has a good selection of day trips to highland lakes and villages. Sucre and Morales, Otavalo, Imbabura. 06/292–0737.

Ecomontes Tour. Ecomontes Tour takes you rafting, as well as on horseback and cycling excursions in the countryside around Otavalo. Sucre and Morales, Otavalo, Imbabura. 06/292–6244; www.ecomontestour.com.