Top SeaWorld Attractions

Antarctica: Empire of the Penguin. SeaWorld’s latest attraction (and entire land, to boot), centers around a virtual-reality ride that follows a lone penguin through blizzards and past sea lions and into an ice cave where a colony of several hundred real-life penguins awaits your arrival.

Clyde and Seamore Take Pirate Island. Head for Sea Lion & Otter Stadium to watch this slapstick comedy routine starring an adorable team of water mammals and their trainers.

Kraken. Another fast and furious coaster takes you on a high-speed chase with a dragon. But the storyline doesn’t matter as much as the fact that this one rockets you through some incredible loops.

Manta. SeaWorld likes to claim that this is two attractions in one: while waiting in line, you walk past 10 supercool aquariums filled with rays and fish. But the big thrill is the amazingly fast coaster you reach at the front of the line.

One Ocean. Although trainers no longer get into the water with the killer whales, SeaWorld’s signature show can still impress and inspire the audience to care for the planet and its creatures.

Pets Ahoy. Anyone who has ever loved a pet (or just wanted one) simply has to see the talented cats, dogs, birds, and pig in this cute and clever show.

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