
Nonmotorized boats can be rented at Cameron Lake in summer; private craft can be used on Upper and Middle Waterton lakes.

Tours and Outfitters

Waterton Inter-Nation Shoreline Cruise Co.. This company's two-hour round-trip boat tour along Upper Waterton Lake from Waterton Townsite to Goat Haunt Ranger Station is one of the most popular activities in Waterton. The narrated tour passes scenic bays, sheer cliffs, and snow-clad peaks. Because Goat Haunt is in the United States, you must clear customs to stay there and hike into Glacier. Waterton Townsite Marina, northwest corner of Waterton Lake near Bayshore Inn, Waterton Lakes National Park, Alberta. 403/859–2362; 403/938–5019; 403/859–2362; C$45. May–mid-Oct., cruises several times daily.