1 Best Sight in Graubünden, Switzerland

Parc Naziunal Svizzer

Fodor's choice

Established in 1914, the Parc Naziunal Svizzer covers 173 square km (67 square miles), including the Macun lakes near Lavin. Although small compared with a U.S. or Canadian national park, it has none of the developments that typically hint of "accessibility" and "attraction": no campgrounds, no picnic sites, no residents, and few rangers. The park is home to large herds of ibex (the heraldic animal on the Graubünden flag), chamois (a distant relative of the goat), red and roe deer, and marmots. Don't forget binoculars; without them you might not see much fauna—the animals give a wide berth to the 80 km (50 miles) of marked paths. Before heading into the park, stop by the three-story National Park Centre in Zernez, where you can view the permanent exhibition, stock up on maps, and enjoy the natural-history exhibit. Guided walks in German are available (see the website for details); reserve one to two days in advance to join a group, or book a private guided walk in English. Trails start out from parking lots off the park's only highway (visitors are encouraged to take buses back to their starting point)—a series of wild, rough, and often steep paths. Visitors are restricted to the trails except at designated resting places. Download the Swiss National Park digital hiking app, which has park maps and other info, to ensure you don't get lost.