
With the coming of winter and the first snows, the area becomes a winter playground, offering many Portuguese their only exposure to winter sports.

Skiparque. In Manteigas, you can ski and snowboard year-round thanks to the synthetic run at the Skiparque complex. Largo Relva da Reboleira Sameiro , Parque Natural da Serra da Estrela, Guarda, 6260-311. 275 980 090;

Estância de Ski da Serra da Estrela. Continental Portugal's highest point—Torre, with an elevation of 6,539 feet—is in the south part of the Parque Natural da Serra da Estrela. Although the ski area here can't compete with other European ski resorts, it does have four lifts. Facilities include a restaurant and sports-equipment shops that rent gear like snowboards and skis. Rua da Estrada Nacional 339, Parque Natural da Serra da Estrela, Guarda, 5200-073. 275 094 779;

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