Car Travel

Autoverhuur (car rental) in Holland is best for exploring the center, north, or east of the country, but it's generally to be avoided in Amsterdam itself and in the heavily urbanized northwest, where public-transport infrastructure is excellent. A network of well-maintained highways and other roads covers the Netherlands, making car travel convenient, although traffic is exceptionally heavy around bigger cities, in the Randstad, and on approaches to North Sea beaches on summer weekends. There are no tolls on roads or highways.

Major European highways leading into Amsterdam include the E19 from western Belgium; the E25 from eastern Belgium; and the E22, E30, and E35 from Germany. Follow the signs for "Centrum" to reach the center of the city. At rush hour, traffic is dense but not so dense as to become stationary.

In Canada

Canadian Automobile Association. 800/222-4357;

In the U.S.

American Automobile Association. 800/564–6222;

Rental Cars

Major car-rental agencies maintain convenient booths at Schiphol and other airports, but rental companies pay a fee to do so, which they in turn pass on to customers, so you'll get a better deal at downtown locations. You must be at least 21 years old to rent cars from most agencies (at least 25 years old at some). You can drive in the Netherlands and Belgium with a valid U.S. driver's license.

American rental-car companies do have offices or affiliates in the Netherlands, but their rates are generally better if you make an advance reservation from abroad, rather than from within Holland. Rates vary from company to company, starting at approximately €35 for a one-day rental, €70 for three days, and €160 for a week. Rates generally include tax, but not necessarily collision insurance or airport fee; weekly rates often include unlimited mileage. Most cars in Europe are manual (stick-shift), and automatic transmission costs extra. Models are usually European, ranging in class from economy (Fiat 500, for example) to luxury (Mercedes)—they will always be in good condition. It is also possible to rent minivans.

The signposting on country roads is usually pretty good. Be prepared to patiently trail behind cyclists blithely riding two abreast (which is illegal), even when the road is not wide enough for you to pass.

Touring Secours. 070/344–777;


Many of the gas stations in the Netherlands (especially those on high-traffic motorways) are open 24 hours. Those that aren't, generally open early in the morning (around 6 or 7) and close late at night (around 10 or 11). Regular unleaded costs about €1.70 per liter. Major credit cards are widely accepted; if you pay with cash and need a receipt, ask for a bon.


Parking space is at a premium in Amsterdam (as in most towns), especially in the Centrum (historic center), which has narrow, one-way streets and large pedestrians-only areas. Most neighborhoods are metered (9 am–2 am), so it's a good idea (if you have a choice) to leave your car only in designated parking areas. A day ticket (9 am–7 pm) costs €36, an extended ticket (9 am–midnight) costs €45. Parkeergarages (parking garages) are indicated by a white "P" in a blue square. Illegally parked cars in Amsterdam get clamped by the Dienst Parkeerbeheer (Parking Authority) and if you haven't paid for the clamp to be removed, your car will be towed after 24 hours (or immediately, in some areas of the city). If you do get clamped, a sticker on the windshield indicates where you should go to pay the fine (which can be more than €300), or you can call 020/251–3787.

In Amsterdam, cheaper daily parking can be found in seven guarded P+R (Park + Ride) facilities located just outside of town near highways A10 and A2. Easily connect to the city center with public transport. Parking on weekdays before 10 am costs €8, then €1 per 24 hours; arrive on weekends or after 10 am on weekdays for a promotional €1 daily rate (96 hours max)

Road Conditions

Holland has excellent roads, but there is a great deal of traffic using it every day, as you may expect in a country with high population density. In cities, you'll usually be driving on narrow one-way streets and sharing the road with other cars, buses, trams, and bicyclists, so remain alert at all times. When driving on smaller roads in cities, you must yield to traffic coming from the right. Traffic lights are located before intersections, rather than after intersections as in the United States. Traffic circles are very popular and come in all sizes. Driving outside cities is very easy; roads are very smooth and clearly marked with signs. Traffic during peak hours (7–9 am and 4–7 pm) is constantly plagued with files (traffic jams), especially in the western part of the country. If you're going to drive here, you must be assertive. Drivers are very aggressive; they tailgate and change lanes at high speeds. All road signs use the international driving symbols. Electronic message boards are used on some freeways to warn of traffic jams and to slow traffic down to 90, 70, or 50 kph.

Roadside Emergencies

If you have a rental car, 24-hour roadside assistance is typically covered in your rental contract. Contact the rental company or your travel agent for details. If you plan to drive a privately owned car, the ANWB (Royal Dutch Touring Club) offers 24-hour roadside assistance (also for caravans, scooters and bicycles) in the Netherlands. You can call the ANWB after breaking down, but you must pay a €90 charge for direct assistance plus a further €96 fee. Full membership is open to those with a valid Dutch address so double-check with the car owner about their coverage. Emergency crews may not accept credit cards when they pick you up. If your automobile association is affiliated with the Alliance Internationale de Tourisme (AIT) and you have proof of membership, you might be entitled to free help—check your plan. For assistance, call their 24-hour emergency line, or their information number for details about their road-rescue service.

Contacts in Amsterdam

Rules of the Road

Driving is on the right in the Netherlands, and regulations are largely as in the United States. Speed limits are 130 kph (75 mph) on superhighways and 50 kph (30 mph) on urban roads. Some cities also have 30 kph (20 mph) zones around schools. In the Netherlands the limit on standard rural highways is 80 kph (50 mph), or 100 kph (62 mph) if the traffic in each direction is separated by a central barrier. For safe driving, go with the flow, stay in the slow lane unless you want to pass, and make way for faster cars trying to pass you. In cities and towns, approach crossings with care; local drivers may embrace the primacy of traffic from the right with some abandon. Although the majority of cyclists observe the stoplights and general road signs, many expect you, even as a driver, to give way. The latest ruling states that unless otherwise marked, all traffic coming from the right has priority, even bicycles. The driver and front-seat passenger are required to wear seat belts, and other passengers are required to wear available seat belts.

Using a handheld mobile phone is illegal while driving, but you are allowed to drive while using a headset or earpiece. Turning right on a red light is not permitted. Fines for driving after drinking are heavy, including the suspension of license and the additional possibility of six months' imprisonment.

Fog can be a danger on highways in late fall and winter. In such cases, it is obligatory to use your fog lights.

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