Great Itineraries

If you can't relax here, you can't relax anywhere. As one proprietor puts it, "A nap is a perfectly legitimate activity." For those with limited time, however, there are a few rewarding activities to get you moving, albeit at a "Fiji Time" pace.

If You Have 3 Days

Spend your first day in Levuka. Stroll down Beach Street, talk with a few locals and take in the atmosphere. Browse through the branch of the Fiji Museum, then book an island day trip, Epi's Midland Tour for the following day. Dine at Whale's Tale for lunch or dinner ... or both. On Day 2, enjoy your all-day excursion and try a new restaurant for dinner. On the third day, take another day trip if so inclined or relax at your accommodation. Head back to your favorite Levuka restaurant (or the Ovalau Holiday Resort restaurant, if you haven't tried it) for dinner.

If You Have 5 or 7 Days

Head out to one of the island resorts. At some point during your stay, make an excursion to Levuka. If you find yourself smitten, consider returning a second time to do Epi's Midland Tour. While at your resort, visit the nearest village, scuba dive, or snorkel and put the time in for a tan.

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