
The country code for Namibia is 264. When dialing from abroad, drop the initial 0 from local area codes.

Calling within Namibia

Namibian telephone numbers vary and are constantly changing; many have six digits (not including the area and country code), but some have fewer or more digits.

Calling outside Namibia

You can use public phones for direct international calls. Buy Telecards in different denominations from post offices and telecom offices.

Mobile Phones

There's cell-phone reception in all major towns. Enable your own for international roaming before you leave home, or buy a local SIM card when you arrive (a much cheaper option, and very easy to do). The two major cell networks are MTC, and the newer (government-owned) TN Mobile. A SIM card will cost around N$10–N$20, and the prepaid rate varies from about N$1–N$3 per minute. Airtime is available in most supermarkets, convenience stores, and some bookshops.

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