Top Reasons to Go

Sunset on the Sea of Galilee: The lake at sundown is always evocative, often beautiful, and occasionally spectacular. Walk a beach, sip a drink, or take a sail as dusk slowly settles.

Zippori: The distant past is palpable at this archaeological site, once a worldly Jewish and Hellenistic city. Set amid woods, it has the loveliest ancient mosaics in the land.

Nazareth: Tradition and modernity collide in the town where Jesus grew up. Today it’s a city of baklava and BMWs, new politics and ancient passions. Talk to a local as you sample Middle Eastern delicacies.

Mount Gilboa: This little-visited region offers natural beauty and grand views for the independent traveler who has a bit of time and no checklist of must-see famous sites.

A spiritual source: Tune your ear to the Galilee's spiritual reverberations. Listen as pilgrims chant a Mass at the Mount of Beatitudes or sit meditatively on Tabgha's shore.

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