
Snorkeling is quite popular on the Sinai Coast. All dive centers rent snorkeling equipment, and some run specific snorkeling trips, though there's also good snorkeling from shore at most resorts. In addition, you can join diving trips as a nondiver with snorkeling gear; the downside is that you will be left to your own devices, snorkeling by yourself as the guide takes the divers into deeper waters. This could be disconcerting at best, dangerous at worst, especially if you are unfamiliar with the water conditions.

Unlike scuba diving, you do not need certification to rent and use snorkeling equipment. Wherever you snorkel, wear a T-shirt or even a wet suit to protect your back from the sun. Sunscreen alone absolutely does not provide enough protection.

Divers International. This dive operation has a one-day snorkeling excursion aboard one of three dive boats. You visit some of the area's most pristine locations, have lunch, and bask in the sun. The price including lunch and equipment is €38 to €43 per person. The company also offers a two-day introductory course with training sessions and several dives included in the price. Sofitel, Na'ama Bay, Sharm el Sheikh, South Sinai. 062/600–276.

Sun 'n Fun. This all-around sports outfitter offers snorkeling trips that last from one hour to a full day. Beach Boardwalk, Hilton Sharm El-Sheikh Fayrouz Resort, Peace Rd., Na'ama Bay, Sharm el Sheikh, South Sinai. 069/360–0136;

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