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6 Ways to Celebrate the Fourth in Quarantine

Fun can still be had with a mask and six feet of separation.

We’re approaching a Fourth of July that is far from traditional. Where some families might head out for an annual firework show, pool party, or lake house trip with friends, this year our “typical” plans are simply not possible.

However, don’t call it a bust quite yet, because there are still ways to add a little spark to this Fourth. We are helping you plan a Saturday that stands out from the rest—whether you’re feeling celebratory or just needing a break from the mundane, here are some quarantine tips for spicing up this unusual July 4th weekend.

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Summer Cocktails

An obvious start, we are diving in with some great summer cocktails. The perfect Fourth cocktail isn’t much different from your average summer drink—we need something cold, refreshing, and preferably with a little touch of sweet. The difference is all in the presentation.

For a rum cocktail that toes the line between sophisticated and gimmicky, we have Don Papa’s Macaroni Feather. Start with ¼ ounce of blue curacao, then add a handful of ice. Separately mix 1.5 ounces of Don Papa rum (or any sweet rum you might have around), ¾ ounces of apricot nectar, and ½ an ounce of lemon juice. This white-ish mixture can then slowly be poured over the top of the drink. To get the red, white, and blue layered effect you’ll lastly top it off with one spoon of cherry herring—and voila, the perfect Fourth drink. This cocktail is tasty, while also being worthy of your Instagram stories.

And if you’re looking to get the party started a little quicker, there are always: shots. A Fourth of July Jello shot is sure to pleasantly surprise your selected hangout-pod. Grab the ingredient list and recipe here.

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A Simple Baking Project

There are many great things about baking, including that it can be incredibly therapeutic after a long week, your kids can join in, and the results are delicious (even if something goes a little wrong). We’re ringing in the Fourth with a festive cake that is as delectable as it is pretty (and if you aren’t feeling festive, then consider it a celebration of the summer weekend with a seasonal-fruit cake).

With this summer berry stacked shortcake, you’ve got a little bit of red in your juicy raspberries, blue in the fresh blue and blackberries, and white in the cooled whipped cream. It’s not only the dessert made for this occasion but one perfect for any hot summer day. It’s cooled, uses seasonal fruits you can get from local farmers, and isn’t so heavy you’ll feel sick after eating under the sun.

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Bring the Pool to You

We all have that one friend with a pool who, come rain or shine, always opts to host the Fourth party. Pandemics make an exception to the “always” rule, however, and this year’s party was canceled. Our dreams of drinking poolside while listening to Bruce Springsteen are over (for now), so whatever shall we do? For starters, chill out—it’s one party, one year. But after that moment of reflection, we can start thinking of how to bring the pool-side vibe to our own homes.

While it might not be inground with jets, an inflatable pool might be the perfect temporary fix (you won’t be able to swim in this, but were you going to be swimming at a crowded pool party anyway? No, right? Right?). It keeps you cool and gives you the chance to put on the swimsuit which has yet to see the light of day this year.

INSIDER TIPFor our 21+ groups, consider an additional kiddie pool for keeping the drinks cool in. A pool for soaking and a pool for storage.

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Socially Distant Lawn Games

This party doesn’t have to be contained to just those living with us. We’re joining the neighbors for a round of cornhole, the perfect get together but at a distance game. Placing one board in their yard and one on your own, team up with someone from your home to take on your favorite (or least favorite) neighbors.

And the games don’t have to end there. There’s tug-a-war, dodgeball, and even a sack race where the finish line is the middle! Think of the “property-line” you’ve argued over before and make that the center, the point neither group gets to cross, and go from there. Any game where there is a drawn boundary is ideal!

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A Quick Cookout

What some of us look forward to most on the Fourth is the classic charred hot-dog. Just because the traditional neighborhood BBQ isn’t happening this year doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy the holiday meal (the holiday’s meal being just about any burnt protein and mayonnaise-based “salad”). Fire up the grill, even if it’s just a small one (or, heck, a microwave), and cook up your favorites. Throw on a burger, a hot dog, or a veggie alternative. The grill out might not be the big get together we’re used to, but the food will feel special—a quick switch-up from the norm.

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Don’t Forget the Fireworks

It’s not the Fourth of July without fireworks. Some states allow them, some states don’t, but for the most part, you’ll always be able to get your hands on some sparklers. These are fun for children and adults, cheap, and despite their firework nature, not that dangerous!

If your neighborhood allows something larger though, chat with your neighbors and delegate one buyer. Everyone can pitch in via Venmo to prepare for a neighborhood. Rather than gathering in one backyard, everyone can set up in their front lawn for fireworks the entire neighborhood can enjoy. Though it’s fun to get together to see them, the beauty of a firework is that they’re so high up and so massive you can see them for miles—you’ve got no excuses for not social distancing!